Week 4 - 10th March
Week 4 - Sunday 10th March - Start of our giving week
Following God’s will for our lives is the best investment we can make for our own future and that of new generations. A healthy church is good for us, our children, our neighbourhood. Imagine a place where God’s kind and loving will is truly done and we reflect his character to everyone…
What is God asking of you – giving of your time? Your money? Yourself?
During Lent we have an opportunity fast, pray & give.
- Give thanks to God for all his wonderful provision. Ask God for more – more for your family, more for WCC, more for the Hub– he is a generous God!
- When or what are you going to fast from this week?
- Pray for our local outreach and social initiatives: Toddlers, Dads Out, Food Bank, and Street Pastors – we want to see people’s physical AND spiritual needs met. For volunteers, for salvation, for Freedom!!